Detours of Disappointment

By David J. Stewart

The following excellent quote is taken from Pastor Lee Roberson's sermon, THE DETOURS OF LIFE . . .

“In the last place, there are detours of disappointment. No one in life is free form this detour. We are disappointed in others. We are disappointed in the failure of our plans. We are disappointed in ourselves. There must be a constant battle against this foe, or we will find ourselves growing bitter and cynical. In the face of disappointment, we must smile, keep sweet, and trust God. My life is not all I would have it to be. I am oftentimes disappointed regarding circumstances and people, but in it all, I am keenly aware of God's love and grace. Even disappointment has a redeeming feature, for when I am disappointed in myself and in others, I lean more heavily upon God, for our God is One who never fails or disappoints His children. And now in full faith let us repeat together: 'And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.' ”

SOURCE: Dr. Lee Roberson (1909-2007), from the awesome sermon, THE DETOURS OF LIFE.

Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”
—Pastor Lee Roberson's favorite Scripture

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